Elegant Essentials

Elegant Essentials

Annoyingly, fashion trends are always changing. The great wheel that is fashion is always on the move, and in spite of what we preach about eliminating outdated clothing in your wardrobe, it’s true that if you keep something long enough, it will come back into style....

Increasing QOL in 15 Minutes a Day – Part 2

Increasing QOL in 15 Minutes a Day – Part 2 We have learned from professional organisers and home stagers that a 15-minute investment of time and energy each day can help to vanquish much of the stress you experience daily. Face it. Housekeeping can be brutal. Even if...

Conquering the Tapware

Conquering the Tapware The appeal of your bathroom may be lost in the moment prospective buyers walk into the room and their eyes immediately fall on an ugly, outdated bathroom vanity. If replacing the whole shebang is outside your budget, replacing the tapware and...

Little Kitchen – Big Bonus

Little Kitchen – Big Bonus As you prepare your home to list it for sale, you’ve spent much time and energy creating the look of spaciousness. In bedrooms, bathrooms, and even the laundry, you’ve managed to s-t-r-e-t-c-h your rooms by sheer resourcefulness. Now you...

Talking Houses and Other Real Estate Wonders

We all hope our house makes a dramatic statement. What does yours say? Some houses say some pretty interesting things – not always what the home seller wants them to say. When a home is listed for sale the statements a house makes can sometimes work to un-sell an...

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