When it’s time to move, it can be difficult to shake our emotional ties to the house that has sheltered and protected us from the big, scary world. Sprucing up your house so that it will look good to others – what we call property presentation Sydney – is much more daunting a task than many can imagine. If ever there is a time to bring in impartial professionals to help us through transition, the process of home selling is that time.
Preparing your home or apartment for sale requires a shift in the way you think. Whereas your home has represented welcome and comfort to you, you must now take an entirely different view of it. Now, you need to think of it as the bricks and mortar it really is and, most importantly, think of it as an investment that is expected to produce returns. From very personal to impersonal is a long way to go. It is no wonder that sellers often experience emotional turmoil when they are preparing to sell their property.
Real estate selling agents know this discomfort very well. They experience it every day in the people they work with. It may be that this is the reason they almost always encourage sellers to bring in a professional property styling firm to help with the transition.
Not only can a professional property stylist relate to the way a seller feels about the walls and ceilings of “home,” they also have an intimate knowledge about what prospective buyers want from those same walls and ceilings. A property stylist’s job is to make a place that felt like home to you, feel like home to a wide ranging group of prospective buyers. It’s their job to make your home universally appealing.
Because they study the wants and needs of prospective buyers carefully, they are able to find a way of creating a “one style fits most” look and feel to make your property sell faster and – statistically – for way, way more money. Here in New South Wales, this means paying attention to the details that make property styling Sydney different from property styling Brisbane.
With the help of scientific data and the results of focus groups and other studies, your property styling firm can come up with a crystal clear vision of the people who will find your home most attractive. By knowing intimate details about the buyer group who will gravitate toward a home in your specific area and price range, they can match the house to the buyer with incredible accuracy. This is the science of property styling.
There is also art in the home staging world. By using colours, textures, pattern, and rhythm, your property styling professionals can decorate your space to capture the attention of the countless buyers who see it every day in the online listings.
Buyers these days begin their property searches online. Just like everything else, the internet has changed the way we shop for houses. Now, prospective buyers may pore over the online listings for weeks before something captures their attention. It could be months before a home shopper picks up the phone to call a selling agent to make an appointment to actually see a house in person. As a seller, it is helpful to have the tools to make that conversion more quickly.
Real estate selling agents and property stylists work closely together across both industries in order to make sales happen faster and with more lucrative results. Knowing what Sydney buyers want helps to make that happen. It’s no wonder that selling agents almost always urge owners to seek the help of a reputable home styling company.
If you are thinking of selling your home this year, now is the time to contact that styling firm. We hope that you will consider Urban Chic Property Styling to help with this transformation of your sheltering home into sheltering financial reward.
We’ve been sweetening the deal for home sellers in the Sydney area for decades. Our experience and our knowledge of property presentation Sydney and real estate sales makes us especially qualified to help you sell your house. Make the shift that converts your property into cold, hard, cash with a little help from your friends at Urban Chic.