Closeted Away
If you follow this blog, you know that we have discussed the business of organisation a whole lot in the past few weeks. The subject of organisation and staging property are of great importance in this market. Why? It’s because millennial buyers – the biggest group of buyers out there today – absolutely LOVE well organised spaces. If you’re going to sell a house to one of these picky buyers, you need to do the things that capture their attention.
A few weeks back we discussed how to declutter your rooms in about 15 minutes per day. We didn’t discuss wardrobes then because, before you can manage truly manage a wardrobe and keep it orderly, it first must have an orderly system. That’s our topic for the next few days.
For a small investment in a few handy-dandy organisational aids you can bring order to the most chaotic wardrobe spaces. Shoe organisers come immediately to mind as one ideal component part of the perfectly put together wardrobe.
We know a woman whose recurring nightmare always involves a stack of shoes – some are hers, some belong to her mother – she’s late for work and she cannot find even one suitable pair from the pile. (We think there may be something Freudian in this, but we’ll leave that to the experts.) We wonder if buying a shoe organiser would stop that dream.
Shoe organisers come in a number of styles from over-the-door hangers to actual cabinetry made for the purpose of storing and hiding shoes. Such pieces are especially helpful if your wardrobe isn’t large enough. If this is part of your home selling solution, we don’t necessarily recommend a shoe-hider-away-er since you want to impress the organisationally-absorbed millennial buyer.
Even though he or she knows that the props used in your home staging plan, including the wardrobe organisation pieces, won’t be staying with the house, your buyer will still see that your closet is spacious and well organised. The millennial buyer will be immediately taken by the effect. Don’t forget that when buyers see a property that’s been given the full staging treatment, it tickles their fancy in a deep and emotional way.
As it works out, we all want to do better at keeping our spaces cleaner and tidier. We may not formally name this goal among our New Year’s resolutions, but we make the promise to be better organised day after day as the year progresses. When somebody nails the look of a house that’s easy to maintain by way of clever property staging, we think “Wow. That’s what I need”. When that thought crosses the mind of a buyer, the house goes immediately onto the “I love this place” list – the list where houses are quickly marked “SOLD”.
Whatever the psychological trigger, touching the emotions of a buyer is job #1 when it comes to selling a house. This is the reason that your selling agent will probably suggest that you hire a property styling firm before you ever list your house.
The buyer’s emotion plays an incredibly important part in home buying decisions. You need to hire a home staging firm who can engage the buyer’s senses and emotions as they apply to the most basic needs we humans have. Safety, security, and a sense of accomplishment are all embedded in the choice of a home and, believe it or not, having a well-organised wardrobe can flick the mental switch in each of these feelings.
So, for the next few days we will dwell upon wardrobes. Our goal is to offer suggestions of how to first organise yours, then how to keep it looking perfect. These suggestions work for any wardrobe in your entire house, each of which should be given all the bells and whistles your budget can sustain.
Meanwhile, allow us to remind you that Urban Chic Property Styling is a well-established firm that’s been staging property in the Greater Sydney area for decades. We spend much time and energy learning the workings of the millennium buyer’s mind so that we can translate their wants into our styling plan for your house. Long before you’re ready to actually list your house, take time to meet with one of our professional stylists. We can make the process of preparing your home for sale easier and more rewarding. Call us today.