If you follow the world of real estate sales you understand by now that the engine that drives property sales is, without a doubt, emotion. In nearly all buying scenarios – 95 percent of them, to be exact – emotion is far more powerful in the decision-making process than logic. So if you are marketing your property using traditional marketing strategies, you may be missing the boat. Savvy real estate agents recommend appealing to the buyer’s emotion. Selling real estate today requires staging your home to sell.
Today’s truly effective selling agents sell more than walls, ceilings, and floors. They sell dreams. When they present a property, it is decked out in such a way as to suggest the lifestyle that goes along with the home. Walking into a well-staged home conjures up images for your buyer of how he or she wants to live. But, you may ask, how does one know what the buyer wants?
The answer to questions like this are found in the extensive research and study that goes into the process good stagers or home stylists use daily. People in this particular profession understand that selling the dream and the lifestyle requires knowing what those elements look like to the type of people most likely to buy your home. This means studying the many different buyer segments of the total market.
Home stagers who know their ‘stuff’ can identify your buyer and their requirements based on income, age, and other demographic markers. Using this information, which is constantly being updated and refreshed through studies, surveys, and focus groups; your house stylist can install the elements – including colour choices, furniture styles, art and décor – that sync with the people who are attracted to your neighborhood, your price range and/or the number of square metres your property includes.
It’s a bit like matchmaking on a six-figure scale. The home stylist’s job is to make buyers fall in love at first sight.
Selling agents use these advantages to generate quick sales for far more money than was originally anticipated. How does this happen? Well, real estate agents, like buyers, fall in love with properties. When a home strikes a chord with the selling agents, there is a flood of activity in inspections of that particular home. Of course, this is driven by an agent’s instinct in knowing which homes sell. When a hot seller goes on the market, agents flock to it. The more people roll up for inspections, the more likely it is that offers will be generated and, as it always is with the law of supply and demand, the price of the home goes up according to the offers being made. Boom. Your staged home sells faster and it sells for much more money than you’d originally imagined.
Can you afford to have your home professionally staged? The more appropriate question is, can you afford NOT to stage it?
At Urban Chic Property Styling, we know how important staging your home to sell can be. We are ever mindful of the fact that this real estate transaction may be the largest business deal of your entire lifetime. For this reason, we are eager to make it the most successful sale imaginable. Our decades of experience, both in real estate sales and professional home staging, gives us the edge over most of the industry pros practicing in the Greater Sydney area. Before you settle on a home styling company, give Urban Chic Property Styling an opportunity to offer our superior product and our competitive prices to help you and your property shine.