In the process of selling your home, there is no impression quite so important than the first one. These days, home buyers almost always begin their search for a new house online. Over 90 percent look first at the photos your selling agent posts on the internet. This makes those photographic images the first and, in many ways, the most critical, introduction to your home. In the hectic Sydney marketplace it’s often best to trust your home stylist Sydney to help you find a photographer whose experience in real estate really shines.
Your selling agent is another valuable asset when it comes to making the most of photo shoot day. Some selling agents take their own photos, others call in the pros. In either case, here is a list of photo do’s and don’ts to keep in mind.
Do let the sunshine in.
We say this very regularly here. Sunlight is your friend when it comes to showing your home off in its very best …er…light. Not only does light make your home look larger, happier and cleaner, it also enhances the colours and textures you and your home stylist Sydney have chosen to best display your home. Photographers will tell you that it takes a very special talent to take beautiful photos in the dim light of a cloudy day. If you don’t have a sunny day for your photo shoot day, enhance your images with extra light including special lamps your photographer will bring.
Don’t let it look too lived in.
You want your home to look warm and inviting. You don’t want it to look cluttered or cramped. Clean the clutter off the kitchen counter. Ditch the magnets and the children’s artwork from the front of the fridge and remove toiletries and beauty supplies from the bathroom. Your goal is to make your house look photo-ready, so clear all the clutter and have bunches of fresh flowers and greenery at the ready.
Do reflect.
Any surface in your home that should shine needs to be at its reflective best. Mirrors, windows, appliances, taps, floors, and porcelain tiles need to appear glossy clean and fingerprint free. Walk through the house and wipe down all shiny surfaces with a soft cloth to ensure that they will catch the light.
Do spend extra time on the beds.
Photos seem to amplify even tiny imperfections. Take the extra time to be sure your beds are all perfectly dressed. Smooth out the wrinkles in the bedding and use a steam gun if you own one to make sure there are no creases or pleats in places where they don’t belong. Fluff up the pillows and arrange them to perfection.
Do bring out the good towels.
In the bathroom, hang fluffy, thirsty, immaculately white towels. Put out a fresh bar of bath soap, and then leave everything else under cover. Close the lid to the toilet, open the shower curtain, dust the light fixtures well and stand back to survey your work. A bright green fern or other plant will set any bathroom off, making it seem spa-like.
Don’t let clutter steal the shot.
Clutter of any kind can make a large and spacious home look small and crowded. Make sure that when you do a walk through ahead of your appointment with the photographer everything is in the place it ought to be. Try to see your home through the fresh eyes of a buyer and deal with any stray object by placing
it out of sight.
Even if you are a gifted amateur photographer, remember that part of the point of the photo shoot is to reveal your home from a new perspective. Go ahead and take your photos, then run them by your selling team. If your selling agent and your home stylist Sydney suggest a photographer in whom they have confidence, don’t take it personally. Remember, the object of this game is to sell your home for a robust price. With an experienced home photographer you’ll be in good hands. Such a photographer will know all the tricks of the trade to make your home look its spectacular best.