When you are dealing with the many desires of potential home-buyers and attempting to fill their wish lists, the size of the job can be overwhelming. Of course, your house cannot possibly be all things to all buyers, but you naturally want to appeal to as many prospective buyers as humanly possible. To improve your odds of a top-dollar sale, you’ll need all the help you can get when it comes to staging your home to sell.
If you consider the thousands of people today who are shopping for a place to live, and you know it’s impossible to please them all, how can you possibly narrow down your own list of things to concentrate on? The answer to this question is simple. Hire the best home staging company you can find, then step aside.
A good home staging company is like the conductor of a symphony orchestra. Making the many parts of the concerto come together in harmony would be impossible for most of us. We’re simply not trained to think that way. A good home stager, on the other hand, spends day after day studying the buyers and what pleases them. The compositions they create are stunning because the individual parts are well-known to them. The results are soothing and exciting at the same time. Everybody walks away happy.
Staging your home to sell is an important part of the real estate industry’s positive impact on Australia’s economy. When a good house is made better by the attention of a home stager, everybody wins. Not only do buyers find what they’re looking for in an entire ocean of available properties, they are happy enough to pay extra for the privilege. Real estate selling agents get a commission when a sensational property finds its buyer. The sellers move on and into a new and better place, making it possible for yet another family to go in search of their ideal home. And so it goes.
It’s the happily-ever-after story every little real estate agent dreams about.
Home staging companies are popping up on every corner just like mushrooms. How can you know which styling company to choose? You can ask your friends, family and co-workers, but unless they have had a recent real estate transaction, they may not fully understand the importance of finding the best possible stager to handle your house. Your best resource is an excellent and successful selling agent.
If your selling agent isn’t brand new to the industry, they will have the answer you need. Experienced real estate professionals have enjoyed working with staging companies that get the job done. Thus, the aforementioned scenario usually plays out perfectly. If your agent is happy, you will probably be as well.
As in all things, when you’re paying a professional to advise you, take that advice and run with it. It’s true with doctors, lawyers, and real estate professionals. They probably know what’s best for you even when you don’t – that’s why you hire them after all. You don’t sign up for brain surgery, and then interrupt the surgeon to do it your own way. That might be unproductive.
When your selling agent and your home stylist suggest changes to your property, make them. If they discourage other changes, trust them to know whether or not an expensive renovation can be redeemed in the price your home will bring. Very often eager home sellers will invest far too much money in their quest for a higher selling price and then be bitterly disappointed when the offers come in lower than they’d hoped. It’s a matter of relying on the people who work in the industry every single day.
Part of being an enlightened seller of real estate is the knowing of your own limitations. Understanding that you are not a design professional, a colour coordinator, or even the capable conductor of a housing string quartet is the first step toward turning your investment into cold, hard cash. Following the suggestions of the experts is the second. Not only does this approach help to ease the angst of selling property, it’s also good business.
Staging your house to sell isn’t exactly rocket science, but the entire operation will go more smoothly when you step out of the way.
Photo credit: Image courtesy of Neometro.