If you’re planning to sell your home or apartment in the Western Suburbs, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is the western fringes of Sydney are a very hot commodity for those who are looking for (and this is the bad news) a more affordable home. The large number of properties available for sale in that particular Sydney area automatically lessens the sale price because the Western Suburbs are at the hub of a buyers’ market. These facts challenge the sellers to do just a bit more to prepare their home for sale.
This area of Sydney reminds visitors of an old-fashioned lolly shop. There are so many colourful and tempting properties to choose from! Because the Western Suburbs are culturally and architecturally diverse, buyers can find a home in any flavour they like. Unfortunately, that ‘flavouring’ can be difficult to achieve flawlessly from a staging perspective. It’s for this reason that you will want to employ the best firm possible to help you with property styling Western Suburbs.
The Western Suburbs are anything but ‘vanilla’. It’s here that Sydney’s many cultural components come together, creating a colourful, exciting atmosphere. Creating a calming mood amid this tumble of ethnicities, backgrounds, and languages can be a challenge that only a professional property stylist can tackle successfully.
In order to dress your home or apartment in this area, you must know who your buyer is and what they’re looking for. A buyer wishing to locate here is likely to be a would-be city dweller who cannot afford the high price tag of similar inner Sydney properties. Your buyer will probably be young, career-minded, and likely to value spare playtime very highly. This buyer will want a home to be an oasis in a busy world, a place to escape from the aforementioned chaos. This buyer craves peace, tranquillity, and a simpler life at home because the rest of life is so very busy.
When you choose a stylist to put your Western Suburbs house or apartment on the buyer’s “must see” list, pick one that has at his/her disposal a very large inventory of furniture, art, and décor to choose from. If your home is in an Asian neighbourhood, it will probably require some décor that recalls the orient, but that does not mean temples and pagodas should dominate the theme. It means that bits and pieces of appropriate fabric, colours, textures, and distinctive artwork should appear there like little jewels.
Once again, the special talent of a very good home stylist is to know how to dress a house in a neutral way that appeals to many buyers, but also whispers to the buyer who is looking at properties to satisfy a particular cultural bent. Your home stylist should also have a good understanding of the religious and value systems of many cultures – in other words, your home stylist must be sophisticated and educated sufficiently to capture and understand the nuances of societal differences respectfully and with a special flair. Taken altogether, your home stylist must be very experienced and very talented.
At Urban Chic Property Styling, we have been styling homes in the Western Suburbs for years. Before then, members of our team were in the business of successfully selling real estate in the same area. So, you see, we know the area and we thoroughly understand the buyers who will ultimately claim your home as theirs. These attributes cannot be stressed enough when you have a special home or apartment in a neighbourhood that is, in many ways, Sydney’s melting pot.
Modestly, we would point out that the homes we style typically sell for far more money than unstyled properties, and they sell much faster. That means more money when your biggest, most important business transaction is completed.
When you’re ready to sell your home in Sydney’s Western Suburbs call us immediately. Allow us the opportunity to help you make yours an even more memorable property through our extensive experience and technical training. We’ll bring all the furniture, all the art, each and every thing necessary to make your home or apartment unforgettable and irresistible to the buyer. All you’ll have to do is stay calm and wait for those offers to start rolling in.