Avoiding Emotional Land Mines

Avoiding Emotional Land Mines

Selling your house is a very big deal. Not only is it likely to be the biggest business transaction you’ve ever undertaken, there can be strong emotional turmoil for you and your family as you move through the process. In spite of the chaos you might be feeling,...
Expanding Your Kitchen Space

Expanding Your Kitchen Space

Making your house look bigger than it actually is isn’t as difficult as you might imagine. Growing your house is done using small adjustments. Ask a golfer, or even a dart-master, how to become the best player possible, and they will tell you that the biggest gains...
Precision in Perception

Precision in Perception

Even if buckets of cash are not readily available, you can still tackle some remodel and upgrade projects ahead of listing your property for sale. Naturally, you’ll want the edge you get from hiring a professional home stager, but you can attempt a few updates on your...
Professionally Staged Homes Sell Faster

Professionally Staged Homes Sell Faster

Professionally Staged Homes Sell Faster If there is a single best argument for why you should employ a home stager to prepare your house for sale, that single sentence sums it up. There is a financial advantage styling your house professionally before you list it for...
A Lovely House

A Lovely House

A Love-ly House When you’re preparing your home to be listed on the real estate market, take care to get every advantage styling can offer you. Car dealerships have the business of “detailing” down to a science. When a trade-in comes onto their lot, it gets an entire...

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