If, in preparing your house for sale, you hit upon the idea that installing a new ceiling fan is a good idea, you’re absolutely right. Ceiling fans can boost the efficiency of your home’s air-conditioning system in summer and in winter, making for attractive savings for your potential buyer. Today’s astute buyers pay attention to anything that will cut down on operating costs. According to house stylists Sydney is a market where millennial buyers are especially keen on energy efficiency. Why? Because living in Sydney can be very pricey.
Fortunately, millennials – currently the largest segment in the housing market – are willing to make sacrifices to live in the Sydney area. They will do whatever they must to live their dream here in the region, but they don’t want to be burdened with excessive maintenance and upkeep. A new ceiling fan can be a selling tool if it has a few bells and whistles.
Room Size
Your first consideration in installing a new ceiling fan is the size of the room. If your fan is too small, it will fail to do what it’s meant to do. On the other hand, if your fan is too large, it can make you feel as if you’re living in a cyclone. To be get the size right, measure your room’s width and length then multiply the two figures together to get your overall square metreage. Take this figure along when you go shopping for your fan so a salesperson can advise you on the right size fan for your space.
Ceiling fans today are a long way from the purely utilitarian fans of old. They come in a variety of sweeps (the diameter of the fan blades from tip to tip), blade angles, and a variety of blade angles which can also determine how the fan will operate. Much of this decision will depend on the aesthetics of the fan itself, but just because it’s beautiful won’t make it altogether effective.
When you’re ready to invest in a ceiling fan, remember that the number of blades your new fan has is less important than the size of the motor and the blade angle. These two factors will help you fit the fan to the room. If you are looking for optimum air flow, look for fan blades with at least a 12 to 15 degree angle on the blades. In general, the deeper the angle of this pitch, the more air the fan can stir up.
With those guidelines in mind, remember that fans are not always relegated to your house’s interior. Porch or patio fans meant to operate in covered outdoor areas can also make your house’s exterior living spaces more user-friendly. Such fans are specially rated to withstand outdoor conditions, even when they are exposed to wet weather. Just be sure your fan is rated for outdoor use. A cooling fan and the breeze it creates can make the patio or a covered deck a big sale-booster. Plus they are pretty too, say our friends in the house stylists Sydney business.
As newer fans hit the market, we learn that they can be designed to churn air like the aforementioned cyclone, or can simply create a gentle breeze. Discuss your fan choice options with the retailer. Chances are, no matter what you’re looking for, there’s a fan for that.
There are so many designs and styles in the world of ceiling fans that the lighting options are often secondary. Keep the overall lighting scheme of your space in mind when shopping for these fixtures.
As with all other upgrades and projects to improve your property’s presentation, discuss the options with your house stylists Sydney. They can offer suggestions as to where ceiling fan placement gives you the biggest bump toward a higher value. And, if you’re not comfortable with installing the ceiling fan on your own, your home stylist can suggest a handyman who is. A new and efficient ceiling fan is a reasonably priced addition to your home’s appeal.
Photo credit: Image courtesy of Beacon Lighting.