Probably the best news in the housing world today is that some things like the investment in home staging, which is always a good one, become even more affordable. Home staging services are based on the price of the house, so if the price sags, so will your cost to stage the house. This is great news because, if your house ever needed an excellent home stager and some very upscale furniture hire Sydney, markets insist on it right now.
If you are still waffling over the decision whether or not to use a professional stager in your upcoming home sale, waffle no more. In spite of – or perhaps because of – the recent adjustment in the housing bubble, Sydney’s housing market is brimming over with product. In the world of markets, more supply inevitably means a dicey path for sellers. With more to choose from, buyers are going to get very, very picky. They will insist on the best of everything their money can buy.
Of course, the buyer isn’t going to actually buy the furnishings or the décor with which a property is decorated. The job of a home stager is to literally set the stage and give the buyer a feel for how the property works. Buyers buy the “ideas” your stager creates right along with the walls, ceilings, and kitchen sink. Without those ideas, your house sale may fall flat.
The creative spell your home stager casts over buyers is simply essential now that the buyer is smarting from the banker’s unwillingness to lend limitlessly. Buyer’s hopes for buying the ultimate dream house are dashed. Any little thing you can do to your property to make it resemble the house of that buyer’s dreams will slide easily into the plus column for you at sale.
Houses that are professionally staged sell in far less time than unstaged ones. The new numbers aren’t in yet, but suffice to say they sell in days or weeks and not months. These quicker sales relieve buyers from the heavy burden of continuing mortgage payments, ongoing utility bills, and the insurance premiums that will not go away until somebody else signs on the dotted line and takes responsibility for the structure and its premises. When you’re struggling already to get into your new place, you don’t need two times the housing costs.
Professionally staged houses also sell for more money. Even when the market is fluctuating as ours is, people still want what they want. In the Sydney situation today, buyers who are already jaded will line up to tour a well-staged house. If your house approaches the buyer’s concept of a “dream home” at all, it’s in a much better position to sell.
Now, some home-sellers are trying to maximise the profit by cutting costs in preparing the property to sell. By offering a professionally staged home you can start an outright bidding war. Selling agents don’t get a commission until the property sells. It’s no wonder that they, too, will flock to a well-staged house with their clients in tow. With all that exposure, it’s completely possible that your house will sell for what you had in mind in the first place.
Very wise people over the ages have said that the mark of a truly successful person is their ability to make a liability become an asset. Today, in the Sydney housing market, you have the means to be very successful indeed.
By using the resources at your fingertips – the telephone – you can bring a powerful force to bear on your biggest investment. By calling in a solid, experienced home staging firm, you can pull your proverbial fat out of the fire. (Mind you, we don’t see the market adjustment as an enormous one, but we have the luxury of seeing the bigger picture. When it’s your house on the auction block, it may look a bit gloomier.) The better the quality of the staging, the more likely your investment will perform better than expected.
From the amenities you display to the quality of your selection of furniture hire, Sydney buyers are most apt to reward the seller who offers the best value at an affordable price. By bringing in a top-notch staging firm, you can shore up your property investment even in an iffy market. Pick up the phone and call Urban Chic Property Styling today.
Image courtesy of Lavender Hill Interiors.