We know a woman who decided to stage her own home. For budgetary reasons she didn’t want to engage anybody who provided furniture hire. Sydney has plenty of places that provide this service, but our woman was adamant about filling her house with furniture she already owned.
This lady pared down the furnishings in her new house and borrowed a chair from the study, a small sofa that people rarely used, and a table from her entry. She actually did pretty well in her borrowing from Peter to pay Paul until she reached the bedrooms.
When she realised that she didn’t have beds to spare, she went online and researched her problem. Ultimately, she found an answer. She placed large boxes – the kind new refrigerators come in – in the bedrooms and covered them with oversized doonas.
This entire plan went off fairly well until a woman inspecting the house sat down on the ‘bed’ and it collapsed like a…well….like a cardboard box sat upon. Fortunately, the woman so rudely bucked off the bed wasn’t injured. She was, however, quite incensed. She was looking at a house with an asking price of nearly a million dollars. She thought it cheesy.
The lady eventually did engage in furniture hire Sydney and the house finally sold.
The moral of this story is that there are some costs firmly associated with doing business. Restaurants invest in plates, flatware, and payroll. The sale of real estate, like any other business transaction, has within it something called ‘the cost of doing business’. Since this transaction is probably the biggest, most important business deal you’ve ever entered into, it should be properly funded if you hope to come out on the winning side.
Here’s the deal. Professionally staged homes that include perfectly chosen furniture and beds that don’t collapse invariably sell faster.
By having your home professionally staged you get a number of advantages that really do add oomph to your selling power. Consider these:
• Staged homes photograph well. Since more than 90 percent of the first impressions you house will make will happen on the internet, you need sensational photos. Buyers look on the internet first. If the pictures of your house don’t WOW them, it will be overlooked. Remember, you never get a second chance to make a first impression.
• When buyers finally get around to calling a sales agent, they will already have a list of WOW houses to see. Those are more likely to be professionally staged homes.
• Selling agents show well-staged homes more often. Selling agents are in business to sell houses. Why wouldn’t they want to show houses that are most likely to sell fast and for more money?
• Old, used furniture doesn’t look as tempting as fresh, new pieces that match the latest trends.
• It takes a designer-mentality to properly accessorise a home. You may be very good at it, but if you’re pulling from your own stash of art, rugs, and baubles it may never actually ‘come together’ in a way that makes the buyer think the place is irresistible.
• Finally, the more buyers that have your home on their “must see” list, the more competition your property creates. According to the latest real estate insights, professionally staged homes spark bidding wars that drive the prices up and up. That’s a terrific problem to have in the real estate world.
• There are substantial savings to be had from selling your home quickly. People don’t think of this ahead of time – the cost of continuing mortgage payments as you wait for the sale. Add to that the cost of ongoing electrical and insurance payments and you have quite an expense.
The very best news is that professional home staging, including furniture hire Sydney, is not nearly as expensive as you might imagine and appeals to a wide range of buyers, including mature buyers. Particularly if you consider the potential for a quick sale and higher offers, you may not be able to reasonably afford NOT having your home styled by a professional. When the time comes to consider home staging, call the best. Urban Chic Property Styling stands ready to help you WOW the buyers.